Shishkaberry Strain Info
- THC: 22-25%
- CBD: 1%
- Genetics: Afghani x DJ Short Blueberry
- Cannabis Type: Hybrid
- Flavour & Terpenes: Limonene (citrus, sweet) Caryophyllene ( earthy) Myrcene ( fruity)
- Usage (Effects may vary): Stress, anxiety, insomnia
- Appearance: Large sized buds, swamp green leaves, dark purple hues, small amber orange hairs, coated in glistening trichomes
karter –
TL;DR 3 out of 5 stars – I think you mean 6 out of 5, wtf?
It’s a smooth one-two 50:50 Mike Tyson punch that’s actually 80% indica that I haven’t had the potency of in years. A huge mental rush followed by a huge nap. From its massive sticky trichomes, its berry-flowery-earth smell and its wicked triple shades of differing colors this gets 6 out of / 5 big ol’ stars – it’s a black hole. Not for beginners, it will fuck you up.
I get it out of the bubble wrap and go MMMHHHNNNNRRRRRGGGGHHHHH, pushing the bag against my face to smell. I’ve been waiting to try this Shishkaberry aka Kish for like 3 months, passing on it for cheaper AAA+++. Lucky me, I found Frosty’s secret stash of it for much cheaper than original pricing so I had to buy the oz.
I’m in ON and I’m pretty sure BC only flies out on Tues-Wed-Thurs so order around/before then IE don’t order late Friday and expect it on Monday, expect it Tuesday meaning you’re good through the middle of the week and to Friday, just not Monday.
I can smell it through the bag a bit. They’ve glued the top of the bag closed, I guess they had to because when I ripped the glue seam the smell got stronger and wafted a little. In warm shipping conditions this would be too-wafty but it isn’t incredibly strong – just a notch below. It certainly is pungent, just not from far away like a resiny skunky strain, chalk it up to the actual profile of berry-earthy-sweet (Leafly) not being as noticeable as a skunky smell. There’s this hard creamyness [almost flowery] to it all that mixes the berry with the earth notes very well. It doesn’t smell skunky like “traditional” weed, it smells like a candied flower you’d give to your grandma to eat. Its parents are Blueberry and an unknown Afghani [creating an 80% indica – Blueberry is a 70% indica]. It certainly smells similar to its parent Blueberry – the Afghani I’m willing to bet was flowery-smelling much like Girl Scout Cookies. This is like…. a blue rose if the rose were “bluey” or more berry-smelling. You know how anything purple you can say it’s basically “grape”? Same thing. If not BLUEberry than it definitely retained “berry” as its dominant odor. I gave the bag like 20 inhales, it’s very consistent and RICH. I’m not slapped in the face by the smell but it does madly shout at me “THE SNOZZBERRIES TASTE LIKE SNOZZBERRIES!”. There’s the faintest note of what I thought was like sweet-cheese, I got it twice and it disappeared. I ground up a gram and it didn’t get “stronger” after, it’s as consistent smelling in its bud form.
Possibly the best looking weed I’ve EVER seen because of the trichomes development and range of colors.
Oof! As consistent as the smell. It’s like they sent me the pictured buds and better. The pic with that little stalk of pink – I got buds like that, hues of lighter-to-super-dark purple, hues of lighter-to-darker green. It’s not just a tripple-colored structure, it’s like it has 3 shades PER color so it nearly ends up looking like 6 individual colors at once, not including the slightest pink nor the bluey-tint covering it all similar to Blueberry which was the first thing I noticed; making it different from most. The buds are mostly large and elongated, real fat looking.
Trichomes are big on the outside and absolutely massive on the inside – you don’t even need an LED to get a large shine-back in your eyes off these trichome heads that have huge dotted ends, nor a good eye. Some of the biggest trichomes I’ve ever seen if not the biggest, they’re out of control. It’s basically caked, if not just looking like trichomes on top of trichomes on top of trichomes as if they had nowhere to go..grow? Hard to describe here but it doesn’t *necessarily* cake up super dense closer and closer to the stalk, the trichomes, however, do. Don’t get me wrong, the bud structure IS dense – yet still squishable and it’s not so dry that it can crack under fingers. It’s just that it seems like the trichome production tried to out-grow the actual structure and tried to push the buds away from the stalk – from what I can see inside these buds there’s a few mm’s of space between the main stalk and the closest bud – tiny pockets looking like gigantic-crystal caverns inside Earths’ core. Just to be clear I’m trying to get across that the trichomes are crazy; the structure isn’t loose or anything. Dried properly yet sticky as fuck on the inside in most parts – an eye-balled half gram stuck to my finger for an average of 7 seconds before falling, 1 gram held for an average of 3 seconds – which are big boy numbers for stickiness. I wish I had a microscope to show you why it deserves two plus signs. It is 1% leafy or what I’d call “1%”, the tiniest visible amount, yeah? Wtf would AAAA+++ look like? Do I smoke it or do I frame it and hang it on a wall?
I haven’t even smoked yet… ONWARDS!
-EFFECTS- you can skip to the 5th paragraph
Leafly states happy closely followed by relaxing and the other 3 [euphoric-uplifted-talkative] most likely taper off as background feels. I just finished up 3g of rosin infused Shishkaberry distillate from this site and I’m just about done with concentrates minus the odd live rosin I’d press myself, distillate doesn’t work on me as well as flower as distillate is heavily sativa leaning. Meanwhile my gf can take the tiniest dab and get blitzed.
Here’s one that made me laugh from Leafly posted a whole 8 years ago “I ate dirt because I thought my breath smelled of weed in public. Yeah, I was that high.” LOL the reviews of it all say the same thing – it’s the King Of The Strains. Also on this day 4.10.19. – the first ever pictured black hole has been released! They’re dubbing it “the heavyweight champion of black holes in the Universe.”, located in well-known M87.
I wanted to hit this proper so I took my bong, cleaned its half-clogged down stem, popped in brisk new tap water and threw in a new screen. I pack a huge bowl and take one small starter hit to judge taste. It’s excellent [inhale & exhale]. I didn’t cough, I’m expecting the trichomes to flick my throat on the next bigger hit [it did but somehow smoothly]. It tastes like traditional weed but the buds themselves don’t quite smell of it, I can’t speak for the lingering smell in the air obviously… but I bet that smells flowery too lol. It has this half-flowery half-weed taste during exhale, similar to what I get whenever I hit a joint of anything and don’t know what it is; thinking “this tastes like weed”, the only take away is noting it’s of high quality.
The smaller starter hit didn’t seem to hit me until a few minutes in. At the moment I realized I was high I was like whoa, wtf? It eased me into it like how a dream starts where there’s no beginning BUT I was so high I immediately felt a minuscule amount of panic thinking about the jump from being sober – a panic that can only be brought on by being super high. I smoked the rest of the bowl and then spaced out for a good 15 minutes, I had been continually writing this until it fully kicked in and I was very in my head. There’s sirens outside and it’s freaking me out. Both a heavy cerebral and a heavy stoned body AND some kind of present spirit from the soul of the weed god’s, the holy greenst. Ah, man. I’m gonna probably bug my cats, play far cry 5 and then sleep early. I feel really out of it but totally in it. I’m sweating for no reason and this review went to shit. I’m probably gonna eat breakfast for once. I sit with my arms on my knees, palms up, fingers crossed, index to middle, pinky to ring because I am a ninja turtle.
Smoking this is like…………
You enter a room that smells like weed. There’s a young chap seated in a chair who looks stoned. You ask him a question, like what is his name but he just smiles wide like he’s heard something funny… you look at each other just waiting but then you realize he’s very very slowly closing his eyes and isn’t answer the question and then his eyes stay closed. You’re a little confused so after a few seconds you tap the shoulder and say “uhh, hello?” and the chap quickly jolts and stouts “oh, heey, man! Ssuuuuuhhh?” but again is slowly closing his eyes, never losing his focus on your pupils in an intense but fleeting stare. You don’t know what he smoked but you want some.
Overall this gets a repeating vertical head nod out of / 5.
Store manager corey mac –
What are people doing leaving reviews before they smoked the strain. Drives me nuts. We can see what it looks like so tell us about the high and smell. Just a though. I don’t mean to offend anyone.
LorneE (verified owner) –
It has a nice high but it leaves a burning sensation on your lips (like chemical).
Smells nice, doesn’t taste as nice.
Pokerstar –
Shishkaberry had a citrus taste to it, the burn was real slow and had my friends keep asking me where I get my Weed. 😉
VictoryToke –
Great day smoke. One of my favorites to open, just love the smell of it. Slow burning and great high.
Deathwishkers –
Got another oz. Strongest of the strong. Tasting like berries, it’s a smooth easy burn and lung hold that has a 15 second launch count-down into blissville. Even a bit of crumble in the bottom of a grinder will make it reek of berries. You could almost get a buzz from smelling it. 1 bowl and I’m hit with an “A1” heavy euphoria, cerebral happiness, stress free and once again low-key giggly and its essence has this joker-esque background feel where it’s giggly/chaotic-neutral/over-taking/a stimulant but perfect for indica lovers who like a euphoric/dreamy feel. Again, not for beginners, have a sitter or something. This shit can have you thinking things like you “have to remember to breath or you won’t”. After an hour expect to yawn and want coffee and a nap, probably want more after 1.5-2.5 hours. I have to say this is my 2nd favourite strain down from one of its parents – the classic Blueberry [which feels more uplifting than insane]. Great for (in no order) video games, sleep, movies, depression and PTSD, maybe appetite. It’s sticky AF.