Collection of the best-quality marijuana strains we have to offer. AAAA Weed is sometimes referred to as “quads” or “quad-grade.” It holds the highest ranking in our cannabis grading system. Our AAAA weed strains contain premium buds that are superior in rich cannabinoids, aroma, pronounced flavour, ripe trichomes, tasty terpenes, and the highest amount of THC content.
Showing 1–20 of 32 results
Critical Mass
28g 1/4 lb 1/2 lb 1 lb |
Death Cookies
28g 1/4 lb 1/2 lb 1 lb |
What is the meaning of AAAA Weed ?
When referring to the cannabis grading system, the term "AAAA" refers to the degree of quality. Within our AA-AAAA cannabis grading system, it holds the highest possible ranking.